"The Cartridge Family"

Written by: John Swartzwelder
Directed by: Pete Michels
First aired: November 2, 1997

Episode Background

Episode Background:

"The Cartridge Family"

"The Cartridge Family"

Written by: John Swartzwelder
Directed by: Pete Michels
First aired: November 2, 1997

Episode Background

The Cartridge Family was part of the fall lineup of the 1997-1998 US TV schedule. It first aired November 2, 1997 at 8pm on Fox following “The World’s Funniest!” and was followed by “King of the Hill”, both of which remain top notch examples of quality television, well worth clearing your Sunday nights to watch on the family TV. The Cartridge Family was seen by over 10 million people when it first aired according to Nielsen ratings.

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...by the hilarious JOHN SWARTZWELDER


In the episode, Homer purchases a gun to protect his family, of which Marge disapproves. Homer begins to show extremely careless gun usage causing Marge to leave him when she catches Bart using the gun without their permission.

Top Quotable Lines

    1. Bart: “TV sucks”. Homer: “I know you′re upset right now, so I′ll pretend you didn′t say that”.
    2. Homer: “To alcohol! The cause of and solution to all of life′s problems!”
    3. Homer: “Hello? You′ll have to speak up. I′m wearing a towel”

Top Ranking Term

Professor Frink has ran advanced ranking algorithms and processed every spoken line of this episode and found that…


… is the top ranking unique term in The Cartridge Family.

“Until you decide what’s more important, your gun or your family, we can’t live in the same house.”